Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

what to do about healthcare?:Medicaid is not the answer. But what is?


VDH SUMMARY OF PROGS:Succinct and dead on.

BITCOIN SALVATION?Probably in due course.

SUCCINCT DESCRIPTION OF TRUM RESISTANCE MOVEMENT:And as VDH says, it's only going to get worse. The furies have been unleashed.I suspect the backlash will be monumental and that the lefties will rue the day they began this defamation, delegitimization campaign in the first place.  Meanwhile Trump should continue to rock the boat at every opportunity since he really has no other choice.  The dems and their propaganda machine have asked for it and they should get what they asked for.  The first thing he should do is reduce the size of the federal bureaucracy by a minimum of 1/3d.  Next, eliminate the department of education and stop Pell grants.  There's plenty more he can and should do.

NAZI ANALOGIES EXPLORED:Theodore Darylmple deconstructs the Nazi analogy usage so popular among democrats and Trump haters today.

SHAKESPEARE HAD IT RIGHT:And so did Edmund Burke. Violent revolution is on the horizon.As long as the democrats resist the reform efforts of the Trump administration, we are at risk of a violent revolution of the kind described in this article.  Burke's book on the French Revolution of 1789 captured the essence of the chaos to follow.  He was right.  The revolution spun out of control resulting in the guillotine murder of up to 40,000 aristocrats, clergy and even revolutionaries like Robespierre eventually, plus the rise of strong man Napoleon and the destructive Napoleonic wars throughout central Europe for nearly 25 years.

BORDERLINE PATHETIC:If this wasn't so obviously wrong you'd think we were dealing with a parody.The FBI needs a complete overhaul.  Like maybe firing all of the agents and starting over from scratch.  Otherwise the corruption will continue and get worse.

QE EXPLAINED:It's all financial legerdemain.

UNEMPLOYMENT ACORING TO HARVARD PROF:The austrians may disagree with this analysis.

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