Saturday, May 20, 2017

Saturday, May 20, 2017

MORE ON YALE DEBACLE: This revolting story seems to have no end toYale's disgrace.

HOW TO GET AT THE TRUTH: The Middleburg way is to shut down discussion by screaming and yelling. $65,000 per year teaches you how.

ROGER KIMBALL TO THE RESCUE:Interestingly he pretty much has the measure of Goldberg,m"The extraordinary delusions and madness of the crowds" by Mackay in the 19th century is as good an analogy as there is.  It's a drumbeat by the intelligentsia who fear loss of influence and power to upstarts who know so much less than they do.

THE POWER OF THE ADMINISTRATIVE STATE:Make no mistake the bureaucrats are out to get Trump.And what's worse they probably will because they have accrued so much power, power delegated to them by a Congress that did not want to be held accountable in ways that would threaten their positions -- job security, and wealth are all powerful motivating forces.  Trump's announcement on the stump that he wanted to go to Washington to "drain the swamp" was a declaration of war.  The bureaucrats were warned. They marshaled their collective strength and developed a plan to unseat him or at least his authority to effectively lead the country.  This is a subversion of the representative system we have had in place for nearly 250 years.  Should they win this struggle, which is not really against Trump but against diminishing their strength and effectiveness in unelected governance, then we will have a new system. Since no elected representative of the people could expect to reduce or diminish their power short of a full-blown revolution resulting in a different system than the one they constructed, we face a rocky future.

INSTRUCTIVE POST FROM CONRAD BLACK:Followed by hysterical letty comments.Man, those Canadians are some liberally indoctrinated sheeple.  They should join the European Union and take orders from Brussel along with all the other socialist European no longer sovereign nations.Another column that exposes the attack on Trump. I don't see how Trump can survive this assault given the relentlessness of the media.  It can go on forever with innuendo, rumors, made-up stories and the like and one man has to fight them off one at a time.  Seems like impossible odds.  Pray I'm proven wrong.

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