Saturday, March 19, 2016

Saturday, March 19, 2016

IS THIS MAN A VIABLE CANDIDATE?: In this fractured political year, maybe so!

REDUCTIONIST MATERIALISM: What we've come to in the west, especially Europe. This is what a Godless world looks like.  Extreme materialism leads to nihilism and chaos.  Europe is very close to that condition, and we're getting close.

THE STENCH IS OVERWHELMING: hSome of this stuff is hard to believe.

IS TRUMP FIT TO GOVERN?: The elites of both parties are concerned that they will lose influence and income. There's something to this argument.  Trump has spent his business lifetime working around, through, against and with the bureaucracies (and elites) to get what he wants.  That probably takes a good deal of moxie, and guts, to accomplish.  Does he really believe this system he has milked successfully for so long is in need of restructuring, or is he just posturing for effect?  Recall The Terminator was going to reform the corrupt system in California.  He joined the crowd after the unions unleashed the hounds.


IT'S THE ONLY ANSWER: Is it any surprise members of Congress keep avoiding this issue? Members of Congress are children.  They have neither common sense nor judgement, nor a sense of responsiblety.  19 trillion in debt is the result.

A VERY SORDID CASE: DUKE should pay a severe price for this shameful episode. Recent rumor has it one of the accused received a settlement of 20 million for this rape of justice.

NYTIMES OPINES ON FOX, ET AL: They're brainwashing all their viewers. But, is objecting to his is left wingthe liberal mush of the Times, CBS, NBC, ABC, et al brainwashing?  Liberals firmly believe their is only one correct world view, theirs.  This is why Fox, et al exist and the totalitarians don't like it one bit.

OBAMA'S DECISION ON SYRIA: Atlantic Magazine's long article on Obama's decision not to defend the red line in Assad's Syria. The consequences of his decision are still being felt.  The man is afraid to utilize the power of the US under ANY circumstances.  He still blames Bush for the ME chaos.  He's a very typical liberal in this sense, who happened to be surrounded by a gaggle of liberals who worried about the damage his decision would do to US prestige around the world.  To this date Obama thinks he made the right decision (to back down) and he may be the only one to think that at this point.

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