Saturday, February 20, 2016

Saturday, February 20, 2016

ANOTHER REASON WHY TRUMP AND CLINTON: This one pegs cultural change in the value of work.

THE MEDIA IS THE PROBLEM: Whether you like him or not, hate his vulgarity and ad hominem attacks and the like, Trump has fought the media to a standstill.

NAIL MEET HEAD: Much right in this column.  Insightful.

CAMILE PAGLIA IS DEFINITELY ONTO SOMETHING HERE:It is high time reforms begin in the educational system from beginning to end. This column, appearing in a far left periodical, nevertheless is as good a study of a major, major problem facing our society as I've found.  It is outrageous what's going on in higher ed, as she seems to have identified its origins quite well, and in secondary ed as well what with the dictatorship of unions and the like.  The problem has become massive.  Sanders doesn't begin to have the answer with free college education for everyone but, clearly the education train is off the tracks and needs change.  Puglia's euro solution has produced a somnolent welfare state mentality that inhibits innovation and promotes stagnation? The next generation has it's hands full coping with this issue.

HOW AND WHY ARE THE ELECTED TO OFFICE? Could be the thinking people are not involved enough? Or could be the thinking people are too involved in genuinely constructive community activities to wallow in the squalor of partisan politics.  And, could this fact be the achilles heal of democracy in present times?

TOUGH CHOICES REQUIRE HARD THOUGHT: Nice summary of difficult subject.

THE NEW FACE OF FASCISM: The thought police are everywhere, including the military. You can ruin a career by not going along.

WHY DID IT TAKE SO LONG??: Is there an answer to that question? Probably.  Maybe some misguided idea about using up the rest of the world's oil supply and then be safe in our own reserves, or some such.

CYNICISM BREEDER: Want to know why everyone's turned off to the ruling class? HRC is a walking, talking billboard for abject corruption.  It's hard to imagine how these people can live with themselves but in truth they probably don't see anything unusual or  immoral about lying, cheating and all the rest as long it's in the cause of their cause.  That would be becaunnuse their cause is really all about attaining power so they can control people's lives because they know best.  Remember, Hil was/is a devotee of the Marxist Saul Alinsky.  Were I running against her this fact would be the center piece of my attack on her candidacy.          

IMPRESSIVE BUT IS THAT ENOUGH?: Probably not. We're probably to far down the socialist road for a principled conservative to win a national election.  Too many people on food stamps, social security, medicare all the other welfare state goodies for a Constitutional die-heart like Cruz to win.  Rubio's a dullard but he's a populist who will shape his beliefs to the constituency he needs to win.  Just like any typical democrat pol.  Afraid Cruz is simply too doctrinaire, too principled, too much of a constitutionalist to have a broad appeal.  After all we've had now 100 years of aggressive anti constitutionalism from the progressives and that has had an effect.  My guess is the majority, maybe even the vast majority of Americans would poll in favor of a "living" constitution approach to politics.  For most it's just too hard to not go with the flow, take the easy way out, and enjoy the ride, as long as it lasts.

PRESCIENT?: We're going to see shortly. At this point he's looking inevitable.

MORE EXCUSESFOR WHAT PURPOSE?: Why do they deny the obvious? These people are duplicitous to say the least, but why?

A TAX ATTACK ON  LIBERAL  HYPOCRITES:All perfectly reasonable suggestions.

WHAT ONE BRAVE SOUL DID: In short, K.C. exposed academia for the fraud it is.

MORE ON AGW: So the beat goes on and Mann is used as an authority once again.

FLAWED SYSTEM: How does inspectee get to pick inspector? Sounds like a rigged game to me.  It is what politicians do best and is reason people are in revolt.

A CASE TO WATCH IN THE FUTURE:  This is a test of the rule of law.
THIS GUY COULD BE A BIG MISTAKE: Is it possible the Republic could withstand two such big mistakes back to back? The hucksterism, brashness, bravado and crudity are a mix that foretells a lot of turmoil in the public square.  Trouble is the electorate simply will take anyone but a politician, anyone for a leader who is not in politics which it has come to understandably and viscerally distrust.  It's simple, anyone but a politician.   And this is rightfully understandable.  Problem: wheeler/dealer businessmen like Trump have a take no prisoners mindset.  If politics is the art of the possible, it involves a certain amount of compromise and understanding of where the other guy is coming from, right or wrong.  One gets the distinct impression Trump wants none of this, he wants to win at any cost, and this is the mindset of a dictator.  Should he be elected we will have our first full blown, home grown dictator which will come roughly 250 years after the founding of the republic.  If this comes to pass we will have outlasted the previous 200 year limit on the actual longevity of any previous democracy/republic, but will nevertheless prove the adage that no democracy has ever permanently stood the test of time.  Our democracy/republic has ceased to function as an institution capable of resolving civil differences.  Why?  Probably because we've reached the fork in the road where we have to take a path to more individual responsibility and freedom in our personal lives or the path to a collective responsibility for one and all which means an equalization of the fruits of the productive economy. In the minds of the  former group there is no more room for compromise regarding the collectivization of society and in the minds of the second we have just scratched the surface in terms of equalizing all aspects of human material existence.  In short, the first group believes the genius of the individual is responsible for  material progress, the second believes material progress is a function of the society in the larger sense.  There is no room left for compromise on this issue.

AGAIN, IT'S THE MEDIA, STUPID: We simply do not have an active, functioning media that challenges democrat politicians. This is no isolated example.

START ON THE FINAL CHAPTER: That would be the final chapter of the story of America's worst President.

THE WHOLE TRUTH, ETC: Let the hypocrites read this column, but they won't.

THE TRUTH ABOUT HIGHER EDUCATION: Here's a plan to break up the corrupt monopoly of higher education.

THIS IS ASTUTE  ANALYSIS: Mark Steyn has real insights, and he puts his money where his mouth is, as per Canadian and climate change law suits. He's a very brave pundit without any connection to any sponsor or employer which is why his voice should be and is heard by many.

A PRINCIPLED POLITICIAN:  Th EU sounds like our federal government on steroids.

THIS BRUSH WITH THE TRUTH COST DERBYSHIRE HIS JOB AT NR AND A SPEAKING GIG AT WILLIAMS: Very sadly because his facts are presumably incontrovertible and his conclusions comport with those of most whites. The president of Williams is a fascist, left winger who has long sense forsaken reality for some idea of perfect harmony among the races as long as everyone gets on the same page.  What Acker fails to understand it his attitude and those who sympathize with his views, that has led many into the political correctness trap.  There is in their world no way to air ugly truths and therefore no way to address them other than by suppressing thoughts with which they disagree.  Shades of Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy in the 1930's to say nothing about the similarities between this thought process and the communist.  To be a leftist is to know what is right and best for others.  This is a sickness that always seems to lead to civil calamity, i.e. war.  Muslims are intolerant and look at the Middle East these days.  This is all unfortunate.

WHY WE'RE BROKE: It's not brain surgery. The federal bureaucracy is a jobs program for democrat party members who are risk averse.

WHERE DO THESE GUYS COME FROM: Hard to believe a "reputable" private school sponsors this kind of drivel.  Do any of these clowns who think like this one understand human nature?  This is really pathetic.

THE LEFT'S MOVING TARGET: You have to remember the left is always changing its argument to suit the times. It's called progressivism.

RUBIO PANDERS TO BLACKS: This sort of racial campaigning is unworthy of a serious republican candidate.

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