THIS IS ALL PREDICTABLE: What we are seeing here is the result of 50 years of government coddling of blacks. After all this coddling with the obvious exceptions, blacks are no longer capable of functioning in the modern economy. If we want to solve this problem as a society, we should find help them find a country probably in Africa, help them migrate to that country, help them establish a functioning government, provide some economic aid, and let them sink or swim. Impractical? Perhaps. But the model for this plan exists. It's called Israel. It will take several generations for them to learn self reliance and develop pride and skills and work habits necessary to establish a functioning state. In the end its the only way. Otherwise they will remain wards of the state and expensive ones at that.
MORE WORDS OF WISDOM FROM THOMAS SOWELL: All of us benefit from clear thinking: this man thinks clearly.
INDIVIDUALISM VS COLLECTIVISM: US is unique but in danger of losing it.
Replacing Christianity With Ecomoonbattery From Within
Some unscrupulous birds, lacking the skill or energy to build their own nests, take over the nests of more industrious birds. The same practice takes place in religion, as moonbats hollow out Christianity and replace it with their own cult of moonbattery.
For an appalling example, visit Pray and Fast for the Climate.
This is priceless:
We hope that God will use our prayers to influence politicians, to build a powerful platform for change, to strengthen our campaigning and to inspire others.
Note they do not pray that God will prevent the planet from burning up, because the ever-changing climate isn’t the issue. Influencing politicians and building a “powerful platform for change” are the issue — i.e., coercive hard left politics.
While praying it is best to avoid violating the First Commandment:
Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
Given that global warming rhetoric is a thin veneer spread over confiscatory oligarchical collectivism, you could say #10 is also getting abused:
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour’s.
Pray and Fast for the Climate ecomoonbats aren’t the only birdbrains appropriating the nests of others. According to the increasingly farcical Episcopal Church, there is nothing sinful about homosexuality, despite the Bible forcefully and repeatedly averring otherwise. But it is a sin to suspect we are being lied to about global warming:
According to the presiding bishop [i.e., chief pastor] of the Episcopal Church Katherine Jefferts Schori, denying climate change is a sin.She says Jesus “insists” that Earth’s citizens reduce their carbon footprint and proselytize others to do the same.Schori kicked off a 30-day challenge in Los Angeles on Tuesday that the church labeled “The Climate Change Crisis.” As keynote speaker, the former-marine-biologist-turned priest, used the event to preach environmental stewardship. …Noting that there are “a few very loud voices” who deny climate change, Jefferts Schori opted to brush them aside because they are motivated by “greed, self-centered political interests, [and] willful blindness.”She then labeled those actions a sin.
Greed and self-centered political interests explain why crony capitalists, global warming profiteers, and leftist demagogues push the “climate change” hoax. Willful blindness is why fools go along with it.

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