Monday, October 13, 2014

Monday, October 13, 2014

I'D SAY HE GOT THIS ABOUT RIGHT:Somebody, somewhere told liberals/progressives or whatever the hell these people call themselves these days, that you could manipulate the US economy and make it better. Where the deuce did they get that idea.  Hoover and FDR tried that for 11 long years in the '30s and only WWII bailed us out.  LBJ tried it in the '60's and we ended up with Nixon who tried it in the '70's and we ended up with Carter.  Clinton tried it in the '90's and we ended up with the subprime mortgage meltdown.  And now we have The Won, who's given us 6 years of no growth to go along with the foreign affairs debacles, the IRS debacle and the rest.  Scheesh, give it a rest guys, it'll take care of itself.

PROOF PROGRESSIVES ARE CERTIFIABLY INSANE:I mean seriously insane. Love to see the roster of moon bats who sign up for this trip. Puleeze, enough is enough.  Wonder if the idiot women who make this tour will wear hijabs when they visit Mosques.  Oh wait, they didn't mention visiting Mosques now did they?  Probably an oversight. Not.

NOT A FAN OF ANY OF THESE GUYS:Gates should never have taken the Job; Panenta is merely a Democrat hack. Both these "public servants" should have resigned over issues both swallowed.  So I consider them both to be "personal servants", not "public servants".

THERE'S A LOT OF TRUTH IN THIS BLOG:I have posted a response to this blog in the "Comments" section at the end of the blog. People don't like the Austrians's economic prescriptions because they involve "paying for your sins", often if not always accompanied by some pain.

FINAL WORD ON THIS ADMINISTRATION?:The comments section is interesting.

NOW THIS IS TRULY FUNNY: Really really funny.


New Muriel Bowser ad puts her words in others’ mouths

 October 13 at 1:31 PM  

This ad from D.C. mayoral candidate Muriel Bowser (D) features supporters telling her story, using her voice. (Muriel for Mayor via YouTube)


Intolerance 101

Having a Pulitzer Prize-winning syndicated columnist and noted TV commentator as a guest speaker would normally be considered a coup for an academic institution. But not if you’re Scripps College — and not if that speaker is George Will.
Consider this a teachable moment, one that speaks volumes about the increasing intolerance on American campuses to honest and open ­debate.
Scripps had invited Will as part of an annual program designed to present the notoriously liberal all-women’s college with a token conservative speaker.
But when the Washington Post pundit (whose column also appears on these pages) wrote a piece questioning the Obama administration’s statistics on campus sexual assaults, the predictable uproar ensued — and the liberal college, just as predictably, responded by closing its students to George Will’s arguments.
Scripps President Lori Bettison-Varga on Wednesday said Will was disinvited because sexual assault “is too important to be trivialized in a political debate or wrapped into a celebrity controversy.” We suspect George Will would agree, albeit for entirely different reasons.
As Will himself said after four US senators publicly denounced his column, “I think I take sexual assault much more seriously than you. Which is why I worry about definitions of that category of that crime that might, by their breadth, tend to trivialize it.”
Agree with Will’s position or not, it’s an entirely legitimate argument, and one that Scripps students would benefit from hearing and debating with him, if they feel so strongly. In other words, challenge Will to defend his position — don’t ban him from expressing it.
These days, however, the ears of our precious college students are thought by their liberal guardians to be so delicate they must be guarded from hearing any voice suggesting there might be other views. So when conservative speech makes liberals indignant, their answer is simply to ban it.
Maybe Scripps should follow the lead of Goddard College and book Mumia Abu-Jamal in Will’s place.
Plainly on our campuses, words of advice from a convicted cop-killer are deemed far more wise and welcome than those of a prize-winning conservative columnist.


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