Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

A DISCUSSION THE CONCLUSION OF WHICH WE KNOW: This is a really serious matter that must be addressed quickly.

NOW THIS MAKES SENSE: This business of assimilation holds true for Mexicans as well as Muslims.

A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE FALL OF GREAT BRITAIN: Why would anyone not take the Muslim Brotherhood seriously.  Western civilization is in deep, deep trouble and there is a frightening lack of awareness of this.  Mostly, I think, because most people are simply working so hard to "make it" and others are struggling to keep their heads above water in failing economic conditions.  meanwhile Muslims are emigrating to Western Democracies everywhere and are not assimilating to the local culture and mores.  Instead they are milking the availability of the many welfare programs available to them and breeding alienated children who are turning to radical islamists.  What's w in broadorse we are seeing the the eruption of largely black Muslim terrorists like the ones who murdered a 19 year old New Jersey college student who was innocently stopped for a red light at an intersection close to his home.  Their reason for murdering this all-American young man?  Because he was an American and Americans are responsible for the deaths of Muslims in the Middle East.  It was at least the second random murder of Americans for this reason by these two jihadists in the past two weeks.  Who's to blame for all of this mayhem?  Most likely this is all the end result of multiculturalism and political correctness run amok.  Politicians trolling for votes see new constituencies,  feel good liberals see the opportunity to help minorities improve their lot, average citizens are passive bystanders, too busy with making a living to expend valuable energy getting involved in controversial policies better left to elected representatives.  But time has run out.  Great Britain is an example of where this toxic mix of passivity and political cynicism is leading.  The Muslim population has grown 74% in the past 10 years and now numbers close to 3 million.  That's 3 million in a population of 60 million, approaching 5% of the total population of the Island.  Can the demand for Sharia Law by these people be far behind?

THE END JUSTIFIES THE MEANS: Hillary is a fascist, pure and simple. She is a Saul Alinsky trained fascist at that. Barak Obama was also trained by Saul Alinsky, a socialist.

THE END OF AL GORE: One can only hope Algore is exposed and disgraced somewhere along the way.

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