Sunday, June 8, 2014

Sunday, June 8, 2014

THEY'RE TURNING AGAINST HIM ONE BY ONE.  sevverywhereNever thought I'd ever agree with Norm Chomsky, of all people, but here's a message from Norm to all his mushy thinking liberal friends that will probably blow what's left of their collective mind. I'm putting all this in an open letter to libs everywhere:

Dear libs,

You know who you are from Warren Buffett, to all the stars and starlets, and producers and directors in Hollywood, and of course everyone else who voted for this one man wrecking crew called Obama. Norm returns to sanity long enough to get a glimpse of reality, listen up:
“In other ways too, the constitutional lawyer in the White House seems determined to demolish the foundations of our civil liberties. The principle of the presumption of innocence, which dates back to Magna Carta 800 years ago, has long been dismissed to oblivion.” 
All this adds up to a system that George Orwell would’ve been incapable of envisioning as “Nothing so ambitious was imagined by the dystopian prophets of grim totalitarian worlds ahead.”
And like the totalitarian government in “1984,” this apparatus is designed ... to defend state power from the threat of an unruly domestic population and make transparency a one-way street between the government and its private citizens.

Read more:
 “It is of no slight import that the project is being executed in one of the freest countries in the world, and in radical violation of the U.S. Constitution’s Bill of Rights, which protects citizens from ‘unreasonable searches and seizures,’ and guarantees the privacy of their persons, houses, papers and effects”.
“Much as government lawyers may try, there is no way to reconcile these principles with the assault on the population revealed in the Snowden documents.”
Read more: 
Old Norm had a lot more to say about your man but that quote may be enough to at least get your attention.  As you know old Norm is the liberal's Liberal.  When he abandons ship, what's left for you guys?  What am I talking about?  There's still Harry and Nancy and the rest of the liberal gang, like AlGore and what's his name, you know Edwards, John Edwards who has reopened his old ambulance-chasing legal shop and will be back making millions with his bogus law suits.  Nice friends you have there.

If you're not offended by the Bergdahl affair you'll probably write old Norm off as a demented old fool.  Just for the record what Obama did in the Bergdahl affair was to trade a known Army deserter for five incorrigible Jihadi madmen leaders during a time of war on the grounds we leave no soldiers behind, unless of course they're dead like the four Americans in Benghazi.  Now remember libs, we are still at war in Afghanistan and will be for at least two more years.  Bergdahl took a hike on his buddies over five years ago.  So what's with leaving him behind for five years and suddenly right now deciding to not leave him behind although we're committed to this war for two more years.  Why now instead of one to five years ago?  Doesn't this sound a bit fishy to you guys?  Probably not. Could it have had something to do with changing the increasingly negative media narrative from the VA/Benghazi/IRS et al messes and throwing some chum out there for the media lackeys to feast on.  Like your favorite  NYTimes ace reporter Walter Duranty,  we know they take any bait as long as it come from the WH and our Dear Leader.

I could go on about your Dear Leader's ignoring laws he doesn't want to enforce (immigration, healthcare, etc.) and creating edicts on his own (35 changes to the ACA, etc), starting a war and overthrowing a dictator (Lybia and Gaddafi) without Congressional approval, and so forth, buts what's the point.  You guys never learn until it's too late.

A COUPLE OF DOPPELGANGERS LEAD THE DEMOCRAT PARTY:  It's about time to write obituaries on the Democrat Party, the Progressive Movement, and its putative leaders.   This opinion piece goes a long way towards accomplishing exactly that.   What's shocking about these two frauds is that at least  50% of the voters approve of them as leaders, a fact that speaks to what is occurring in the country today.  They are testimony to the failure of our society to educate its members in the timeless values that made the United States of America the leading force for good in the world all of its history of 240 years.  Yes there were some retrograde moments along the way, but never with evil intent, and always corrected in the full light of an open, free society.  The Democrat Party/Progressive Movement is comprised of a collection of narcissistic dreamers whose vision for any society would lead to its destruction.  While many if not most Republican leaders don't have a clue why these Progressives are destructive, fortunately there a handful of Conservatives who understand the damage these people can and are doing and are calling them out on it on a regular basis.  Short of Fox News, a handful of print and online magazines, a few brilliant blogs and bloggers and of course Talk Radio, the so-called Mainstream Media is comprised of Progressives who don't have a clue themselves and spend the bulk of their stories covering for the inchoate proscriptions of the incoherent leadership.  Political correctness is but a symptom of the underlying disease infecting our society today.  Because the liberal/Progressive philosophy promotes equal outcomes and social justice over achievements their movement does not believe in Capitalism.  The idea promoted over and over by Progressives that in order to achieve equality of opportunity everyone should have a college degree.  This idea alone is responsible for many of our society's disorders.  Force feeding a college education for thousands of young  people with no aptitude for processing ideas, no potential for critical thinking, lowering college entrance standards to accommodate this cohort, and offering feel good, undemanding courses taught in many cases by ideologues rather than serious scholars, is not a proscription for a vital, achievement directed society. It is rather a proscription for a society of alienated people with expectations that lead to frustration.

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