Sunday, November 3, 2013

Sunday, November 3, 2013

TALK ABOUT NAIL, HEAD, AND HAMMER: Cutting to the chase After all's said and done, Andrew Klavan has produced a little video here that simply leaves nothing more to be said on the subject of Barak Obama and the presidency of the United States.

MOST TRANSPARENT ADMINISTRATION EVER?  Oops! One more lie It's so hard to believe so many people voted for this guy TWICE!

WANNA INVEST IN TECH?  Best read this sobering article  It always has everything to do with interest rates.  When they are artificially kept low, malinvestments occur, just like the Austrian economists have always said.

KRAUTHAMER VS. MCCARTHY:  What exactly is "conservatism"  It comes down to definitions of welfare state, conservatism,  rights, constitutionalism, etc.  In this argument framed here by McCarthy, I side with him and not Krauthamer.  It is all too apparent that power concentrated in the hands of the state will sooner or later be abused.  As an example, Social Security was sold by FDR as an insurance plan with everyone paying into a central trust fund which would be used to pay back everyone once they reached retirement age.  Over the years, as McCarthy points out, the politicians began raiding the "sacrosanct" fund for other purposes leaving the cupboard bare of any "investments" other than government IOUs.  There's nothing wrong with forcing people to save (since most probably wouldn't if not forced) but there is certainly something wrong with stealing their savings for purposes other than intended by law.  McCarthy would argue that is what happens when the government entity furtherest removed from the people has too much authority, and I agree.

THEY'RE BACK:  The gravy train is on the way  McCauliff, front for the Clintons, is about to become governor of Virginia.

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