Saturday, October 26, 2013

Saturday, October 26, 2013

TURKEY'S PROBLEM:  Maybe the only hope for peace in the Mideast.  Providing leadership in the Middle East is difficult at best.  The mix of theocracies, regional and tribal conflicts, economic backwardness is a difficult brew for any  moderate country to deal with, let alone try to provide reasonable leadership.  On top of those difficulties, Turkey has an Islamist leader who while modern in his approach to economic affairs, is none-the-less an autocrat when it comes to social issues, witness the recent riots in Takamin Square in Istanbul.  There is underlying unrest that impedes progress and leadership.

EVIL KOCH BROTHERS:  Actually Democrat functionaries are the evil ones.  If you are a successful business and businessman and are a Conservative, you are always and evil person in the eyes of Democrats like this one.  There's no way to put a stop to this foolishness as long as the media is in the pocket of the Democrat Party.  The foolish foolish people who won and operate many media outlets in this country are hell bent on destroying the individuals whose success hires millions of people and provides the underpinning for the productivity of our economy.  Will the likes of Obama and his followers never learn?

OBAMACARE'S FATAL FLAW: This is a reasonable speculation on Obamacare's objectives.  There's much in this analysis to agree with, especially the point that Progressives have always been keen on socializing healthcare because they understand that it is the key to controlling all aspects of our lives.  After all, if you control healthcare delivery, you can then demand obedience to all aspects of life that affect healthcare.  That would include diet, lifestyle activities, home environment, workplace activities, all in the cause of the costs to the government to provide healthcare.  Government run healthcare is the Trojan Horse of the Progressive's plan to better manage and control the lives of citizens.

UNTRUSTWORTHY MEDIA: "Chad Henderson of Georgia, who became the media’s poster boy as one of the few to actually sign up for Obamacare, lied about his success, according to a Reason Magazine investigation. On LinkedIn, Henderson lists himself as a volunteer for Organizing for Action."  This quote from Breitbarts' is critical to understanding how the media fails in its reportage role.  Organizing for Action is an Obama administration organization designed to expedite the roll out of Obamacare (and other administration initiatives).  Here we have an example of the government providing a propagandistic  success example of someone signing up for Obamacare to the media who then incorporates this propaganda  into its reporting to the public.  All the while the "example" in fact is a volunteer in the Organizing for Action organization designed to promote and facilitate the roll out of the program.  This example of media manipulation by the administration is an indictment of the independence and skepticism of the media.  It goes on all the time.

PLANTATION THEORY: Talk about a major tragedy.  Black so-called elites deserve all the blame for the human tragedy of the black race since the Civil Rights Act and the Johnson War on Poverty of the 1960's.  Stand up and take a bow NAACP, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, all the members of the CBC (Congressional Black Caucus), all the black mayors in one party cities all over the country, and let's not forget to acknowledge the important role of the MSM in fanning the flames of racial discord, resentment and discontent.  Nice work!

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