Saturday, September 21, 2013

SATURDAY, September 21, 2013

WHERE WE ARE WITH THE ONE: Should have been broached pre-election.  It's approaching closure time with B. Obama, "only" 3 and 1/2 years to go, and the fundamental legitimacy of his persona and qualifications to be POTUS has never been properly aired.  Thank you to two of adolescents' least endearing traits: naiveté and gullibility.  The Democrat Party and its MSM public relations arm are responsible for this presidency, one that will both diminish the office of the presidency and our nation in equal measure.  Even a cursory knowledge of the Obama candidacy should have told the naive and gullible that this individual had neither the leadership experience nor the character to hold down the world's most important political position.  What is shocking to many of us is the willingness of a majority of the voters to be fooled twice.  That Obama could be reelected after his disastrous first term in office defies explanation.  We can be grateful that we still have a Democracy in this country and especially grateful that the Republicans have managed to control the House since the middle of Obama's first term.  That fact, while it did not come soon enough to spare us Obamacare, has no  doubt spared us all manner of other socialist foolishness that Obama and his crowd have in mind for the transformation of our economy, government and way of life.  It is necessary to remain alert to the danger to this country represented by Obama and his fellow liberals.  Hitler was, after all, democratically elected to the Reichstag (German Republic's parliament) and then appointed Chancellor (Prime Minister) by president Paul von Hindenburg.  Upon taking the oath of office, Hitler swore the following, "I will employ my strength for the welfare of the German people, protect the Constitution and laws of the German people, conscientiously discharge the duties imposed on me, and conduct my affairs of office impartially and with justice to everyone." With the passage of the EnablingAct in 1933, Hitler became a dictator, the German Republic was relegated to the dustbin of history, and the WWII became inevitable along with the death of over 50,000,000 souls.  While Obama has moved in the direction of a dictatorship with his ignoring certain laws, changing laws willy-nilly, his appointment of over 20 "czars" to help him circumvent the bureaucracy, his use of the IRS to harass opponents, his takeover of private property (government ownership of GM), and so forth, because he hasn't had the control of the House of Representatives, he has been unable to ram through all the destructive plans and programs he's had in mind that would essentially lead to one party system and eventual dictatorship.  We can be grateful that his leadership failures have not resulted in this outcome, which, it is clear he would prefer.  From a speech he made on the stump in 2008: " We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."  

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