Monday, November 12, 2012

Youth will be served

This video is predictable.  Schools no longer educate children.  They indoctrinate them.

Tags: Voting , Barack Obama , Students , Boston
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jdonovan956 Wrote:3 hours ago (1:35 PM)
amazing--the people who pay their bills want Romney
HopefulAmerican Wrote:2 hours ago (1:47 PM)
Yep I've paid all my bills all by myself for all of my life and yes I wanted Romney. I wanted Morality and Spirituality to survive in this country and it hasn't and won't under this president.
LibertyBell777 Wrote:59 minutes ago (3:42 PM)
I pay my bills all by myself and I voted Obama. What's your point?

I guess if you hear that people voting for Obama want a handout enough, you start to believe it - even if it isn't true. Poor people vote for issues that are important to them just like everyone else. I've never seen a party that demonizes our working and poor more than the Republican party - and then turn and try to claim moral superiority.

Also, Morality and Spirituality don't need government interference to survive. The fact that you think that is sad. Not forcing your beliefs on others doesn't make you less spiritual. It just means you believe in individual choice. Forcing your beliefs on others is like spiritual rape. God doesn't force himself on others, so...
Leslie96 Wrote:3 hours ago (1:10 PM)
American history and social studies is lost in the liberals dream world of equality and diversity! To make all acceptable no matter what, equalize the playing field....sadly, it is America who loses herself in the lack of education...history has a way of repeataing itself and if these goobers don't know anything about our country, how the government works, or our history...we are doomed to lose her to idiots! Teachers...why are you not passionate about a single subject and then teach that single subject? Parents...why are you not teaching your children their history (not fables, not lies...real history)..because of the breakdown of sitting around the dinner table these days talking....Lady Liberty cries....
LibertyBell777 Wrote:52 minutes ago (3:49 PM)
Only Republicans think equality and diversity is a bad thing. Are you a teacher? An expert on history? Obviously not, since you don't even have a clue what America's founding principles are...Liberty and Justice for all (not just people that look like and agree with you).
HopefulAmerican Wrote:3 hours ago (12:54 PM)
America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves. ~ Abraham Lincoln
America has chosen a party that demands every taxpayer be complicit in the federally funded slaughter of the pre-born. We have exalted a party that seeks to – and in many was ways has already done so – enshrine into law the celebration of sexual deviancy and mock marriage.
The haughty peoples of four states have said to God, “Marriage is as we say it is, not as you have ordered it.” And so, though removed from truth, as east is from west, they have, at the ballot box, affirmed moral disorder.
These college students just prove this point.
t-amberg Wrote:4 hours ago (12:05 PM)
They definitely get a lot of tv time, they are great at regurgitating Obama ads.. and not much more.
Which is scarier, these are college students.. or that they vote?
954 Wrote:6 hours ago (10:31 AM)
I believe all voters should be given a simple test proving a rudimentary knowledge of government before they are allowed to cast a ballot. I would pay money to see the looks on the faces of those twits in the video when they're told they can't vote because they failed. That would be inspiring.
zwheaton Wrote:14 hours ago (1:48 AM)
This just in... who cares?
Leslie96 Wrote:3 hours ago (1:11 PM)
And wow, like you're not part of the problem?
B.T. Wrote:16 hours ago (12:07 AM)
Dear God help us.
Dixiedrifter Wrote:19 hours ago (9:07 PM)
Imagine, people like this will soon be elected to positions of authority, as a consequence, these brain-dead nitwits will determine/influence the direction our country will take. Thank God I am a sixty-something, when the sheet begins to hit the fan, I pray for senility and won't know the difference. These empty heads think attending college and receiving a degree, is tantamount to participating in an episode of "American Idol". They are oblivious to the fact their generation will likely live a majority of their remaining adult life in squalor and poverty. The present direction our country is headed - is unsustainable. What's happened with today's youth, it's unbelievable. There are four-legged creatures among us exhibiting more sense?
BFANCI Wrote:1 hour ago (3:38 PM)
My dogs are smarter than these "students"!
jalexander770 Wrote:Nov 11, 2012 10:49 AM
This is whatt as known as the dumbing up of America!
zwheaton Wrote:14 hours ago (1:49 AM)
I believe "what" is spelled with one T
MoreFreedom Wrote:Nov 11, 2012 10:01 AM
I enjoy the guy who has a Freudian slip saying Obama will give families lower incomes. He probably didn't even realize he said it. The guy knows the reality, but like many liberal, he denies reality because it conflicts with the vision in his head. But it slipped out anyway.
zwheaton Wrote:14 hours ago (1:49 AM)
You're right. We should increase military spending 4 trillion dollars... That'll fix things.
Leslie96 Wrote:3 hours ago (1:12 PM)
yep, cuz a weak country is an easy country! Yay....I say abolish the military totally...then get ready to kiss someones raised backside bubba!
bob sledd Wrote:Nov 11, 2012 9:08 AM
In order to VOTE, you need to have an Ownership Stake in the Country.
For example... You need to pay TAXES for starters, or be a member of the Military.
Unless you have skin in the game, you will vote for , you know, free stuff
John5507 Wrote:Nov 11, 2012 10:10 AM
Do you mean INCOME taxes? Because unless those people don't eat , buy anything or go anywhere, they're paying taxes. FYI, Mitt and Ann Romney haven't paid INCOME taxes for a very long time either so I guess they have no "skin in the game"? thurston's income, adjusted for elections (he didn't take almost 2MILLION in deductions he was entitled to in order to increase his percentage. hes running for office for pete's sake), was not earned by working so he pays a ridiculously low 12 % while working men pay much more.
dolo Wrote:21 hours ago (7:17 PM)
. Are you kidding? Where did you get your information? don't you have enough sense to know that was a campaign ploy of one of the many Harry Reid fabrications. Why don't you check to see the truth, check and not from MSM. Check the facts or shut up.
KATZ Wrote:Nov 11, 2012 8:45 AM
This is precisely why the mentally impaired and illiterate need to be kept far from the voting booth. This bunch of stooges is an excellent example of the wreck commonly called 'public education.' Most likely every one of these boobs can put a condom on a cucumber, unfortunately they cannot spell the word 'condom.' Why should we dump yet more money into this 'education' system that is a total waste of time?
vkarthik Wrote:Nov 11, 2012 12:51 AM
Apart from republicans no one will take this video seriously considering the fact Republican sent candidates like Palin, George Bush who are as dumb as these guys lol
jalexander770 Wrote:Nov 11, 2012 10:46 AM
You sound like the people in the video. Clueless!
dolo Wrote:21 hours ago (7:19 PM)
Do you know that or as most voters you just spout off and have no idea what the hell you are talking about
NoPontification Wrote:Nov 10, 2012 10:08 PM
From H. W. Prentis (often misattributed to Alexander Fraser Tytler). Observation about democracies planting the seeds of their own demise):

"The historical cycle seems to be: From bondage to spiritual faith; from spiritual faith to courage; from courage to liberty; from liberty to abundance; from abundance to selfishness; from selfishness to apathy; from apathy to dependency; and from dependency back to bondage once more."

Incredulous2 Wrote:Nov 10, 2012 11:05 PM
But it feels so, so, so revolutionary!
July1776 Wrote:Nov 10, 2012 9:53 PM
When the Liberation Army of the Peoples Rebublic of China invades the U.S., we well know why......
Barbara3135 Wrote:Nov 10, 2012 9:26 PM
We have these morons to thank for the recent reelection of a man who doesn't know much more than they do about the economy. It's all feel-good stuff. The Obama admin are a bunch of LIARS. Everything they do has to be rewritten to be exactly the party line and it doesn't matter if it doesn't make any sense, because their supporters re too stupid to think for themselves. I feel like taking our money out of the stock market and putting it under the mattress at least until we can find another country to move to that won't think that we have to support an underclass who can outvote us and vote themselves all the entitlements.
goshawk Wrote:Nov 11, 2012 4:46 AM

That is what the big money guys are doing. Taking their money out of the stock market and hiding it elsewhere. If anyone has any savings at all, guard it in every way you can. Ovomit has already said he will take all 401K's and wants access to all bank accounts.
factsrknown Wrote:Nov 10, 2012 6:07 PM
Just goes to show you what happens to so many in the public schools now.
Incredulous2 Wrote:Nov 10, 2012 5:47 PM
Were we to expect anything more of these yokels? Certainly, no one could have expected less.
Eileen for Freedom/Liberty Wrote:Nov 10, 2012 4:41 PM
As sheep to the slaughter...they have been led.

They think unemployment is high now? Wait...just wait...until all the companies who cannot afford Obamacare go under and/or cutback to survive.

Then we can call them the enablers of the destruction of America within...because they were ignorant of the truths and refused to believe the truth...that the Muslim N' Chief living in our White House...has an agenda and it is not to preserve America and it's people...but to destroy her from within!

jolszewski Wrote:Nov 10, 2012 12:02 PM
Funny if it wasn't so sad.

Poor little trolls.
BamaBoySlim Wrote:Nov 10, 2012 10:50 AM
So this is what "we the people" look like now... No wonder Obama was re-elected; hell, I might run myself.
KManInLaLa Wrote:15 hours ago (1:03 AM)
Run--for your life!! For the border! Let the good guys get outta Dodge!

How long before it gets truly Orwellian? For God's sake, don't give Obama a copy of "1984"; he'll read it and say, "You can DO that?"
Barry151 Wrote:Nov 10, 2012 10:28 AM
Squirrels are easily distracted by shiny objects.
YassirSanchez Wrote:Nov 10, 2012 8:39 AM
I am proud to say that my government students are not this stupid. At least about Government. Now if I could just make them see that Obama is a wolf in sheeps clothing.

But at least they know the Constitution.
Johnnyp Wrote:Nov 10, 2012 8:09 AM
truly shocking and sad
Mark in CA Wrote:Nov 10, 2012 2:25 AM
I wasn't sure. Off the top of my head I guessed 435 members in the House of Representatives because it sounded like a number I had heard before and was pleased that I was right. But I am afraid I could not name all the amendments. I did recall that I am guaranteed the right to own a gun so I can shoot tyrants. Oh, and I can say what I like, which is nice too. But I must read the Constitution again. It has been too long.
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