Saturday, October 20, 2012

Crowley to the rescue

Candy Crowley, the obese so-called journalist from the left-wing CNN cable network, managed to put the MSM in the spotlight at the Romney-Obama debate October 16.  By covering for Obama on the Lybian, Benghazi debacle, Crowley demonstrated how far the media is willing to go to ensure Obama's reelection.  In a nutshell they will go to any lengths necessary.  In the debate Romney had Obama dead-to-rights on the dis and misinformation put out by the WH and the entire administration for two weeks after the attack, Crowley covered for Obama by claiming he was right in asserting he pronounced the Benghazi attack an act of terrorism on the day after, and by simultaneously changing the subject to another topic for debate saved Obama from the embarrassment of trying to explain why it took him and his acolytes another 13 days to officially declare it an act of terrorism.  Obviously it took this long because the administration was trying to create a different narrative than the one dictated by a terrorist attack.  Obama's entire foreign policy initiative has been built on appeasing the Arab world by hard lining relations with Israel and coddling the Islamists.  His campaign has fully vested in the message we have fostered the Arab Spring, ended two wars in the ME, and put Al Qaeda on the run after killing Bin Laden.  Should the attack that cost the lives of four Americans actually be an act of Al Qaeda-inspired terrorism, obviously the campaign claims would be rendered a nullity.  And so it took two weeks of spinning an alternative version of events, built around a bogus claim the act of terror in Benghazi was a reaction to a bogus video produced by a Coptic Christian residing in the US.  This shameful attempt to mislead the American public in order to protect the Obama reelection campaign was aided and abetted by the "cover" provided by Candy Crowley in the debate and the rest of the MSM by their coverage of these events for the previous two weeks.  Not the finest hour for the media in the US and a vivid example of the bias and corruption of the MSM

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