Saturday, September 8, 2012

Replay of the 1930's?

Investors Business Daily provided one of the more insightful analyses of Obama's oration at the DNC Convention here.  Any objective history of FDR's New Deal (and there are a few) credits all the deficit spending through the alphabet programs tried by New Dealers as abject failure.  It's well to remember at this time that the Great Recession started with the stock market collapse of 1929 and really only ended after WWII, although some claim at the onset of that conflict.  All of Hoover and FDR's interventionist programs (begun under Republican Hoover), served only to prolong the recovery making it in the end the longest in history by far.  It is not surprising that Obama, who has no clue how wealth and jobs are created, is reduced to dredging up the failed policies of the Democrats of another era.  Since Obama is at best a Keynesian, and since his sense of history is most likely the result of reading liberal historians like Harvard's Arthur Schlesinger and Yale's Paul Kennedy, how would he know how misguided those '30's economic nostrums were?  If one likes the current economy and votes for Obama, expect a repeat of the '30's and a recession/depression that will last 10 years or more.  Not much of a choice.

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