Thursday, July 19, 2012

Another bubble, another crash on the way?

Walter Russell Mead talks about the crises in higher education and the ridiculous level of indebtedness of graduates who financed their four years of schooling and more with student loans.  Once again we see the invidious hand of government intervention in the marketplace at work here..  In a mirror image of the housing market debacle, which led to the ugly recession we are now living through, the education bubble was fueled by government backed easy credit loans which encouraged students to take on levels of debt that many of them are still paying off twenty and more years out of college.  Can we never learn that when the government involves itself in markets that it inevitably creates booms and busts and sooner or later destructive inflation as they inflate away the unmanageable debt levels?  Intervention in the economy by the government is much like allowing a child to eat all the candy it wants in one sitting.  The child is momentarily happy but inevitably sick.  Excessive credit and debt in the system leads to an unhappy hangover and a promise to never do that again -- until the next time.  Best way to stop this foolishness:  Disable the government's ability to print money and create credit.  The Austrian School of Economics would have us eliminate the FSR, eliminate fractional reserve banking and return to the gold standard. There doesn't appear to be any better solutions as we have passed the 15 trillion federal debt level and with four more years of Obama are looking at 20 trillion by 2020.

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