Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Media bias big time

Media bias on the part of the MSM (Wapo, NYTimes, CBS, NBC, ABC and farm teams like the LATimes and others) is noticeably on parade these days as the presidential campaign heats up.   For starters Brent Bozell notes the virtual blackout of news reporting on the landmark law suit brought by Notre Dame and the Catholic Church against the administration over the matter of Obamacare and the requirement that insurance plans must now include free coverage for contraception, i.e., birth control pills.  Since the Catholic Church is opposed to contraception, at least "artificial" contraception, it goes without saying it would oppose a government mandate requiring same.  The announcement of this rather major development, to say the least, garnered 19 seconds of coverage on one of the networks, and nothing on all the others.  In other words the MSM is ignoring this news because it could represent a serious challenge to the Democrat Party's signature legislative accomplishment during the reign of Obama and any news that could pose a negative for The One's reelection simply did not happen.  Another look at this same dynamic at work, in another guise, is Chris (Tingles) Matthew's excoriation of Cory Booker's apostasy on Sunday's Meet The Press round table during which he disassociated himself from the Democrat Party major talking point on the subject of Mitt Romney and Bain Capital's role in the capitalist system in America.  Seems Booker finds nothing wrong with those roles and accordingly disassociated himself from the party line which is they are exploitative. In the real world  the role of private equity capital is the application of Schumpeter's theory of "creative destruction" which is another way of saying get rid of the dead wood so that new life can thrive.  It's not, per se, that Matthews objects to Schumpeter's theory, although given his socialist world view he undoubtedly does, what he clearly objects to is Cory Booker's rejection of this central talking point of the party's campaign, like, "how dare he think for himself".  This deviant behavior is even more reprehensible in Booker's case because he's black and dares to stray from the Democrat Party plantation on which all blacks are supposed to shut up and do and think whatever the Party thinks is best for them.  Clearly Matthew doesn't know much about Booker's history as Mayor of Newark, N.J. where he has embraced the pro business and pro family philosophy that attracks and promotes employment in the private sector in this mostly black community.  In other words he's for and has strenuously promoted lower taxes, limited government and less regulations, personal responsibility, in tact stable families, all policies that have put Newark on a clear path to economic recovery in a city that  for decades was decaying under democrat policies.  Apparently the voters in Newark like Booker's approach since they continue to reelect him to office.

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