Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Never, ever, ever trust a liberal

Scott Johnson of Powerline underlines and confirms a belief many conservatives have about liberals, at least most liberals.  They dissemble constantly and think nothing of it.  To a liberal lying is a perfectly acceptable strategy in order to further any cause they espouse, which usually starts with enlarging the size and scope of government through dependency programs they propose and get passed by their counterparts in the government.  After all administering some government handout program sure beats subjecting oneself to the vagaries of free market enterprises where one has to actually provide a product or service that someone else is willing to pay money for.  Furthermore the jobs liberals want typically don't ever go away and thus represent security not available to one making an honest living in the private sector.  It behooves everyone to read this post by Johnson to understand the venality of most liberals.  The lesson here:  do not trust a liberal anymore than you would trust a Muslim who practices Taqiya (defined as the practice of acceptable and permissible lying by Muslims to further the cause of Islam when dealing with infidels), or a communist who lies and dissembles with impunity in the furtherance of his evil cause.  In short, liberals are simply western political versions of Islamists and communists and should be recognized as such by the rest of us.  Elizabeth Warren, the subject of Johnson's post, is the Harvard law professor appointed by Obama to create the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau now operative.  Ms Warren,  like Obama a doctrinaire liberal, was not confirmed by Congress to run this abomination she created, but the dirty work has been done, the CFPB is now up and running with a new head, and Warren is back in her lair at Harvard where she can continue to make intellectual mischief.  Workers in the financial services industry need to rise up against the Warrens of academia or there may come a day when they will be involuntarily working for the government.

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