Friday, July 8, 2011

Oil Independence -- available now

Diana West, no friend of any Muslim state, weighs in here with a number of reasons why we are suffering an unnecessary oil supply crises.  It has to do with the EPA and the environmental lobbies who combined appear to be consciously trying to make it difficult for the US to wean itself away from Middle Eastern oil producers -- particularly Saudia Arabia.  Why?  West in this column doesn't offer a specific why,  but here's one:  recall Obama bowing to the Saudi King Faisal on his first visit to The Kingdom after his election?  Then recall the huge sums of money from foreign sources visited upon the Obama campaign during the last presidential campaign.  These fund were from foreign sources by credit cards and were unaccounted for by the Obama campaign as required by law and as accounted for by the McCain campaign. Some of the estimates had the amount flowing to the Obama campaign from this source to be in the hundreds of millions.  So why would the Saudi's and other gulf suppliers presumably massively support the Obama campaign unless they had received some assurance of continued support for the  efforts of the EPA and the environmental lobby to limit US (and Canadian access) drilling and production which could lead to energy independence?  This may fall into the category of a conspiracy theory however all that bowing to the Saudis and O's hard line against the Israelis is a bit over the top in the absence of some good reason.  West suggests the Chinese are now courting the Canadians and may just capture the 3 to 4 million barrels of oil per day available from Canada because the US is unwilling to approve a pipeline to deliver the stuff to our refineries.  Something is rotten in the State of Denmark!

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