Saturday, May 7, 2011

The last word on Obama from VDH

To those who bother to become informed on the subject, Obama will go down in history as the Great Prevaricator.  It goes without saying that all politicians, and therefore presidents, change their minds about some issues when they gain office (GHB -- "read my lips. no new taxes"), but Obama has proven that in the conduct of foreign affairs to be a serial liar of major proportions.  Recollecting the most recent presidential campaign, in the primaries Obama ran as the most anti war of all Democrat Party candidates and defeated Hillary Clinton in no small measure based on this position.  In the general election he ran against John McCain mostly by excoriating George Bush and the Republican Party on the same basis.  And, it worked.  He was elected President.  After winning the election, it did not take Obama long to reject virtually every position he took regarding Bush's WOT.  Victor Davis Hanson lists them all in this article which leads to the conclusion that Obama constructs an opinion and a position based solely on expediency.  When it comes to conducting foreign affairs on behalf of our country, Obama stands on no principles and that is why there chaos and confusion surrounding the constantly changing positions of the government.  In contrast, Ronald Reagan conducted our foreign affairs based on the one principle that Communism was evil and the United States was a force for good in the world.. Reagan and the USA won because he stuck to this principle.  Since Obama does not believe the US is a force for good in the world, and in fact probably believes the opposite, he is conflicted whenever there is a call to action, say as in Lybia, or Syria, or even in Iran during the open revolt there two years ago. He prefers deferring to the UN, and to "leading from behind" as one of his staffers described the US policy in these matters.  In the Obama world view the US is one of 150 or so members of the United Nations (where 50% of those countries are dictatorships, BTW), and we must perforce keep a low profile so as not to offend any fellow member states.  All that being said, it is clear that we are safer now that Obama has changed virtually every position he took on the conduct of the WOT when he was a candidate.  While those positions no doubt had much to do with his election, in the end we can be thankful that at least on the conduct of this war, the President of the United States is a hypocrite and a liar.

constructs a position and opinion based on expediency

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