Monday, April 18, 2011

George Soros -- watch out!

Peter Raymond, an obvious Milton Freidman free market advocate, deconstructs here George Soros's latest move to reorganize the world's financial structure via a new study group he's putting together.  It's clear from his statements about his intentions that he wants to come up with a plan that involves central planning and perhaps some form of world government.  This would be consistent with his activities in other countries in eastern europe where he has made investments and exerted influence in sovereign countries's financial/political activities.  Not enough is known about Soros's motivation, IMHO.  He seems to have a master plan for controlling events, but to what end is not clear. We know he has backed several far left organizations (, etc) in the US that in turn have pushed Obama's agenda and election.  The man is in his 80's, not exactly in the prime of life.  What's irksome about Soros and his "career", or life's work,  is finding the value of his contribution to the working of the economy.  On the surface, at least, he appears to be nothing more than a high stakes gambler, largely with other people's money now guaranteed by U.S. taxpayers, who is perhaps better at evaluating the risk of his bets than most.  But, in the end do his bets make a value contribution to the system that merits the support of the American taxpayer if his bets fail catastrophically and he and his creditors go belly up.  Meanwhile it might at least be of interest to know if any of his creditors received TARP funds when the meltdown occurred in '07-'08.

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