Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Conservative perspective in the NYTimes

Ross Douthat is the token conservative columnist at the NYT.  In this article he discusses Rep. Paul Ryan's attempt to address the budget problems.  What's interesting about Ryan's budget presentation by Douthat is the reaction from all the liberal readers of the Times in the comment section.  Without exception these liberals are all critical of the attempt by Ryan to deal with this problem accusing him of all manner of deviousness in his plan and unwillingness to address what everyone of them sees as the real issue/problem: insufficient tax revenue.  Socialists make no connection between a growing economy and increasing tax revenues.  Their solution to budget shortfalls/deficits is always to raise taxes on the wealthy without any consideration for the consequences of that action on the performance of the economy.  It's almost impossible to have an adult conversation with those who refuse to acknowledge the consequences of a given action on anything.  And yet that is the problem of debating liberals on this issue.  Bottom line: liberals fundamentally do not understand nor appreciate how an economy based on capitalism works.

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