Friday, October 15, 2010

Sharia is what it's all about

O'Reilly visited "The View", a left wing klatch of female ignoramuses, yesterday to push his new book.  The discussion ventured to the proposed mosque at Ground Zero with predictable results.  When pushed why the mosque at GZ was a bad idea (all the ladies thought it was a good idea) O'Reilly correctly pointed out that it was a bad idea because a mosque is for muslims and muslims attacked us on 9/11.  The ladies took umbrage because they alleged the attack had nothing to do with muslims or the muslim faith and everything to do with extremism and extremist behavior.  The are dead wrong and O'Reilly is dead right, even though he was willing to concede, in the interest of harmony on the program that the attack was the work of muslim "extremists", and not muslims in general.  Diana West has lived in the middle east and has written about muslims and Islam and the terrorists for many, many years.  There may be no one in the West who knows more, or understands more about muslims and islamism than she.  In the article here, having to do with the Geert Wilders trial now underway in  the Netherlands, in no uncertain terms Ms West explains why O'Reilly is right and the ladies on The View are wrong.  In short it has to do with the objectives of the OIC (Organization of the Islamic Conference) an organization representing 57 islamic countries which attempts to criminalize any criticism of the  religion of Islam, in the West! Thus, Geert Wilders is on trial for defaming the religion of Islam in a western courtroom, believe it or not.  Wilders is the head of a growing political party in the Netherlands that is trying to stem the rising tide of Islam and Sharia law in that country.  Now the real issue is what is Islam, a religion, or something more?  And the answer is something more.  Islam is the marriage of church and state under the umbrella of Sharia law.  Sharia law, a body of law based upon the teachings of the Quran, is the controlling force in all islamic states and it results in the second class status of women as well as prohibiting any dissent or other religions.  There are no churches in Saudia Arabia or Iran, for example.  The OIC can and should be viewed as the advance guard of the Islamic movement to convert the entire world to the faith and control of Sharia law.  Everything to do with Sharia law is antithetical to western traditions and value, everything.  In the end any muslim who believes Sharia law should prevail is an islamist who does not value individual rights or freedom as we understant that concept in the West.  Most surveys suggest well over 50% of all muslims believe in the idea of society controlled by Sharia law.  Once again, O'Reilly is right but lacks the courage of his convictions when he caves to the ladies and qualifies the perpetrators of 9/11 as "muslim extremists".  If muslim moderates were in control of their religion, there would be no extremists or terrorist, they would see to that.  Since they lack the courage to confront "extremists" or "terrorists" those elements are in control of their religion of islam.  Under the control of Sharia advocates Islam is not just a religion as we understand that term, but a theocracy, which puts it into the category of a political movement like communism, fascism, and the National Socialism of Germany in the '30s and 40's.  If the West does not turn back the tide and growing influence of Islamic Sharia law, we will have another world war.

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