Sunday, August 22, 2010

Freddie, Fannie and the failed policies of the dem party

Once again we see and hear what a debacle the failed social policies of the democrat party created for this nation's financial well-being.  It is criminal what they perpetrated on the American public and it was criminal that the so-called leading figures in the financial world didn't blow the whistle on them early on in this disgusting game they were all playing.  Peter Wallison rightfully points out all this here and calls for facing up to the realities of what happened in order to come up with a proper fix.  This isn't going to be easy because there is so much bad paper floating around out there as a result of the democratic party's social policies over the past three or four decades.  And make no mistake, Bill Clinton and his administration were at the heart of this problem.  It is sad to think all these foolish people are going to get away with their folly while the rest of us pay probably for a decade or more to right the system.  Andrew Cuomo should be languishing in jail along with Barney Frank, Chris Dodd and a whole host of other foolish, foolish people.  This is so disgusting it's hard to talk about.

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