Friday, July 23, 2010

Public Service unions

Tim Cavanaugh of Reason Magazine does a short analysis (of sorts) on the comparison of right-to-work states and those who permit unions for government employees. He makes the case there is little difference between those states that don't allow unions and those that do in terms of overall budget deficits, but still thinks the new Senate bill requiring all states to unionize is a bad bill. His analysis is weak since since there's no discussion of states that do not allow unions but in fact have them because they allow local option, for one thing, and he doesn't compare employee budget costs of unionized vs non unionized states, nor provide any information on ratio of state and local employees to population, and probably other considerations I haven't thought of yet. There can be unusual factors in play that obscure the impact of public service unions like, size and nature of population, recent loss of major industry (mid-west) etc. There are several links in his piece to other columns on this subject.

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