Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

THE FINAL AND BEST WORD ON THE SUBJECTThis is the conversation that we should be having bu won't. Too many people profit from black poverty.

NOTE THE DATE OF THIS ARTICLE:This is a 2005 article that ends optimistically. Clearly, based on recent events, that optimism is wildly misplaced. This problem is so discouraging largely because it is enveloped in the sickening pathologies of the left.  Since black dependency is now at least a trillion dollar industry there's no reforming possible until the money pot dries up.  We're probably not too far from that circumstance at this time.


How Al Sharpton Got His Own TV Show

Al Sharpton is generally regarded as a piece of scum — a tax-dodging socialist and professional race baiter who has gotten numerous people killed in pogroms. (For those not familiar with his worst outrages against decency, Ben Shapiro provides a quick rundown.) Sharpton is not regarded by anyone as a gifted television anchor. Yet he has his own prime time show on MSNBC. The reason could have something to do with Comcast wanting to merge with NBC, which in the USSA requires the approval of bureaucrats. Fortunately for crony capitalists, these bureaucrats can be bribed. Via Washingtonian:
To rally political support for the merger, Comcast’s political-action committee handed out campaign cash, and [well-connected political fixer David] Cohen worked to head off the concerns over diversity [i.e., complaints that people were being promoted based on merit rather than for not being white]. Between 2008 and 2010, Comcast’s corporate foundation donated more than $3 million to 39 minority groups that wrote letters to federal regulators in support of the NBC deal. Comcast and NBC Universal also worked out an agreement with advocacy groups guaranteeing increased “minority participation in news and public affairs programming”—so long as the deal went through. And in 2009 and 2010, Comcast gave $155,000 to an organization founded by the Reverend Al Sharpton, who ended up endorsing the merger.
Like Jesse Jackson, Sharpton has made a fortune by putting himself it a position to determine what is and is not “racist.” Sharpton’s position in this regard is particularly lucrative due to hisexceedingly close relationship with Obama.
Western Journalism elaborates on the merger deal:
In January, 2011, Washington approved the deal. And lo and behold, Al Sharpton — who had virtually no professional broadcast experience but did have a long history of legal entanglements and ethical quandaries — landed a prime-time show on MSNBC.
Not only would Reverend Al have the kind of “legitimate” pulpit from which he could pontificate with an assumed air of “credibility,” he could also enjoy a reboot of sorts — a network-sanctioned passage out of the shadow of his past troubles.
And Obama’s White House could have its loyal advocate and ally in place to carry forward the narrative five nights a week.
Now, no matter how deeply Sharpton inserts himself into and tries to influence raging racial controversies…no matter how much criticism is directed his way…no matter how many goofs and gaffes he racks up on his show, Sharpton seems to be a protected entity.
He can even help get police officers assassinated without damaging his career. On the contrary, his presence probably lends credibility to MSNBC in the addled minds of the moonbats who are now its exclusive audience. Everyone else has been driven away not only by the channel’s demented hard left politics, but by the ever-deteriorating level of broadcast professionalism.
Behold the ruinous effects of Affirmative Action combined with cronyism:


Monday, December 29, 2014

Monday, December 29, 2014

CRONY CAPITALISM IS NOT CAPITALISM.These people have no shame. It has to stop.

THIS COMMENTARY WILL NEVER SEE THE LIGHT OF DAYAnd it's a shame as it gets at the root of the problem.

RACE HUSTLERS ON THIN ICEThe reaction to Sharpton and co. is beginning. About time.

COBURN IS A GOOD REPRESENTATIVE OF THE PEOPLEI'd like to think he had better judgment about character, however.  As much good work Coburn did in the matter of earmarks, nothing will fundamentally change regarding over spending until we have a balanced budget amendment that can only be bridged in a wartime emergency ( meaning an attack by a foreign power).  This is so fundamental it is hard to see why we cannot get it passed other than those in power don't want any restrictions on their ability to tax and spend what they judge to be necessary.  Meanwhile we have a deficit of 18 trillion unfunded liabilities four times that, and no prospect for coding the gap.  This is why we are doomed to a collapse in the value of the currency and all that follows that.

DOESN'T KNOW MUCH ABOUT CAPITALISM, EH?Talk about living in a cocoon of real world ignorance.  Pope might start by distributing much of the wealth of the church to poor people.  After that he might try educating himself on economics beginning with Adam Smith's "The Wealth of Nations".  What's wrong with sticking to theological matters?

Pope Francis Delves Deeper Into Leftist Politics by Pushing Global Warming Hoax

You know the Catholic Church is in trouble when the left-wing Guardian refers to Francis as the “superman pope.” He didn’t earn this dubious honor just by brokering Obama’s embrace of the communist slave state in Cuba. He has promoted state-inflicted poverty by attacking economic freedom and is now pushing the global warming hoax:
In 2015, the pope will issue a lengthy message on the subject to the world’s 1.2 billion Catholics, give an address to the UN general assembly and call a summit of the world’s main religions.
The reason for such frenetic activity, says Bishop Marcelo Sorondo, chancellor of the Vatican’s Pontifical Academy of Sciences, is the pope’s wish to directly influence next year’s crucial UN climate meeting in Paris, when countries will try to conclude 20 years of fraught negotiations with a universal commitment to reduce emissions.
Reducing emissions reduces our standard of living. It does not reduce temperatures, as if they needed reducing. The global warming hoax has already been definitively debunked. According to the bogus theory it is based on, skyrocketing carbon emissions should result in corresponding temperatures. Yet temperatures have remained level for the past 18 years.
Nonetheless, the hoax is still seen as useful by those with hard left political agendas, who see it as a pretext to impose oligarchical collectivist authoritarianism. Except during extreme weather events that will happen no matter what, these power grabbers do not have the climate on their side. But they do have the Pope.
Following a visit in March to Tacloban, the Philippine city devastated in 2012 by typhoon Haiyan, the pope will publish a rare encyclical on climate change and human ecology. Urging all Catholics to take action on moral and scientific grounds, the document will be sent to the world’s 5,000 Catholic bishops and 400,000 priests, who will distribute it to parishioners.
According to Vatican insiders, Francis will meet other faith leaders and lobby politicians at the general assembly in New York in September, when countries will sign up to new anti-poverty and environmental goals.
It is no accident that the “anti-poverty” (i.e., anti-capitalism) and environmental goals are mentioned together. Free market capitalism has done vastly more to lift people out of poverty than any other system in history. Consequently, destroying it so as to replace it with Soviet-style serfdom requires more than just tired and empty rhetoric about the poor, who will be far more numerous and far more poor if leftists are able to prevent the creation of wealth.
In recent months, the pope has argued for a radical new financial and economic system to avoid human inequality and ecological devastation. In October he told a meeting of Latin American and Asian landless peasants and other social movements: “An economic system centred on the god of money needs to plunder nature to sustain the frenetic rhythm of consumption that is inherent to it.
“The system continues unchanged, since what dominates are the dynamics of an economy and a finance that are lacking in ethics. It is no longer man who commands, but money. Cash commands.
“The monopolising of lands, deforestation, the appropriation of water, inadequate agro-toxics are some of the evils that tear man from the land of his birth. Climate change, the loss of biodiversity and deforestation are already showing their devastating effects in the great cataclysms we witness,” he said.
It is hard to say who would applaud this sophomoric rhetoric more enthusiastically: Al Gore or Karl Marx.
Note the emphasis on “human inequality.” People cannot be both equal and free, at least not in an economic sense. Holding everyone but the unavoidable ruling elite to a lowest common denominator has never increased the standard of living for the masses and never will.
The days of Jean Paul II confronting communist tyranny have never been more missed.
The cheering leftists at the Guardian refer to “Francis’s environmental radicalism.” Given its explicit elevation of the nonhuman over the human, there has never been a more un-Christian ideology than environmental radicalism. The Pope praising the Devil would not be more appalling.
People of weak faith believe that Christianity needs to get with the times or become obsolete. This will not be accomplished by chaining the Catholic Church to a hoax that an increasing percentage of the population can see through to its malevolent authoritarian objectives.


Helter Skelter 2014

The contrived Black Lives Matter protests have many people wondering what exactly the moonbats on the street and those pulling their strings are trying to accomplish.
The string pullers — meaning the Obama Administration and the liberal media kingpins who put it in power — want a distraction from the failure of Obama’s presidency, a tightened focus on the cultural Marxist blacks-as-sacred-victims narrative, and most ominously, to extend federal control over local police, which is a prerequisite to imposing a police state.
No doubt there is more behind the Alinskyite tactics than we are cynical enough even to imagine. But when it comes to the wackos actually out there on the streets demanding dead cops, we don’t have to imagine. Some are unskilled enough as revolutionaries to actually tell us their objectives.
After a recent anti-police riot in the San Francisco area, Zombie saw a flyer in the subway that spells it right out for us:
It was made by the Revolutionary Communist Party, one of several communist groups that have been leading the protests and going all-out to ignite a race war in the aftermath of the Mike Brown and Eric Garner incidents.
Click for full size (sorry about the language):
By “revolution,” they mean the imposition of a totalitarian communist slave state along the lines of Cuba, North Korea, or the Soviet Union. Insane as it may seem, there are many people who want this to happen, and some of them hold very powerful positions in the government and media.
Speaking of insane, Charles Manson’s master plan was to foment a race war in which blacks would rise up violently against American society. After whites who sided with the rampaging blacks and whites who tried to defend civilization had killed each other off, Manson would step in to rule the ruins, which blacks would welcome once they discovered they were not capable of governing themselves.
Maybe Charles Manson has been directing the whole Michael Brown/Eric Garner/Black Lives Matter spectacle from his prison cell. In a world where Barack Hussein Obama is the President of the USA, anything is possible.

PC MADNESS RAMPANT: This is all getting beyond parody and iint the realm of outrageous.

Brandeis Moonbats Stand With Khadijah Lynch

A little follow-up on Khadijah Lynch, the Undergraduate Department Representative in the African and Afro-American Studies Department at Brandeis University who took to Twitter with obscenity-laden, barely literate bursts of bile celebrating the execution of New York City police officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos.
Lynch resigned her position after Brandeis Daniel Mael drew attention to her outrageous statements on Truth Revolt. Now it is Mael who is in hot water — with other students:
On Monday, a throng of angry Brandeis students criticized Mael. Some suggested that the Brandeis administration should punish him for citing Lynch’s public tweets.
Brandeis senior Michael Piccione, a member of the 2014-15 student conduct board, sent an urgent email to the president of Brandeis, senior administrators, radical leftist professors and students.
The email — entitled “VERY IMPORTANT: Holding Daniel Mael accountable, and other threats to student safety!” — claimed that “Mael has exposed Khadijah to the largely white supremacist following of the website.” (The website to which Piccione refers is Truth Revolt.)
Truth Revolt is the brainchild of its Editor in Chief Ben Shapiro, an orthodox Jew. You might think his notable accomplishments would be appreciated at traditionally Jewish Brandeis. Yet Truth Revolt no doubt qualifies as a neo-Nazi website in the addled minds of liberal students, who would like anyone associated with it to be silenced for being “racist.”
Piccione isn’t the only intellectual brownshirt to come down on Mael for blowing the whistle:
On the Brandeis Class of 2017 OFFICIAL page, a closed Facebook group, sophomore William Amara has written: “I am sorry that Khadijah has to put up with these f**ing ***holes publishing (and likely distorting) her private opinions to further incite racial hatred and oppression. I hope the university will stand with you if these ****suckers cause things to escalate further.”
You see the level of intellect and civility we “racists” are up against.
These students deserve pats on the head for faithfully regurgitating what their professors have been feeding them.
In the summer, Mael uncovered a huge listserv used by Brandeis professors containing several scary exchanges bashing conservatives, Jews and Christians. In one email, sociology professor Gordon Fellman shared an article suggesting that the Boston bombers were not motivated by an anti-American doctrine of Islamism, but instead driven by poverty and “cruel anti-immigrant policies of both Presidents Bush and Obama.”
Not even Obama is enough of a moonbat in academic loony-land.
At over $60,000 per year, tuition, fees, room, and board at Brandeis cost more than the median American household income. Whoever is paying for this is getting screwed.
Khadijah Lynch, prog princess.

Why has this race pimp visited the WH over 80 times?



Saturday, December 27, 2014

Saturday, December 27, 2014

INSIGHTS INTO THE GD:There's a lot of Austrian School thought in this interview.

NOONAN WAS A SPEECH WRITER FOR RR:She produces lots of words but little wisdom. You'd think she'd know.

NOTHING NEW HERE, LET'S MOVE ON:How about a balanced budget amendment and throw in term limits and a flat tax and require work for any welfare benefits?

HAVE TO BE CAREFUL WITH OBAMA ADMIN FIGURES/MANIPULATIONS:These people are unscrupulous. Good detective work.

WILL THE INVESTIGATIONS GET TO THE BOTTOM OF THIS OUTRAGE?Probably not since big gov depends on the IRS.

THINGS COULD GET WORSE:Thugs at the top and thugs at the bottom.

A GOOD MAN SPEAKING OUT:He's right; good people should speak out.

THIS WOMAN IS A DISTURBED RACIST:She should not have been offered a position at any school, let alone an elite secondary school.A racist self hater.


Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

COMMUNISM-MARXISM-SOCIALISM EXPLAINED BY A LAYMANProbably better explanation than most professional whatevers.

AH YES, THE VAST ADMINISTRATIVE STATE:Next things a tax on healthcare policies. Oh wait…...

THE BLACK UNDERCLASS IS BEING USED:Hard to say where all this madness ends up. We can trace all the many pathologies in the black underclass community to the welfare programs of LBJ in the 1960's.  This is the very leader Jeb Bush recently tole a press gathering won be the kind of president he would be were he elected.  Great.  That being the case he just lost my vote and I dare say that of many other conservatives.  For those who have difficulty connecting the dots, Bush still may be their man.  Let's see how he would deal with the cop-hatred phony demonstrations going on around the country at this time.  Would he call in Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson to be his advisors on the "real" feelings of the black community?  Would he join deBlasio in condemning the police willy-nilly based on false premis of the "hands up, don't shoot"mantra now embraced by celebrities and television anchors and personalities?  How about a president who lays it on the one to the blacks by informing them those who have children out of wedlock at 15 or 16 and then ask the rest of society to raise and educate those children are acting selfishly and not in the interest of the rest of us and that we've had it with that antisocial behavior.  Your EMT cards, your public housing and all your other gifts from the rest of us are hereby withdrawn.  We will guarantee you a job for which you will have to perform what we ask of you and we will allow you to stay in the public housing in which you now reside providing you pay "rent" to us, the owners.  In short, how about a president who says you will now act responsibly or you will live however you can manage, but you will not live your lives to the detriment of the rest of society anymore.  It is long since time for you to grow up.  Oh, and by the way, if you choose to live as a criminal you will go to prison where you will work for your room and board until your legal debt is discharged.  That's simply the way it's going to be.  If you object to these terms we will assist you in leaving the country for one that will take you, maybe Cuba or North Korea, or any African country.  This is what we call tough love folks.

WHAT WE SEE HERE IS BACKLASH: It's probably more than backlash, it's more like enough is enough and I'm not taking this anymore.  deBlasio, Obama, Holder, Sharpton, Jackson, Axelrod and all the other race-baiters have played this tune once too often.  The game is over.  Either the forces of law and order prevail or we descend into civil war and chaos.  After bending over backwards for 50 years to accommodate blacks in this liberal society we have reached the tipping point.  There is nothing more the society has left to give to assuage the grievance industry.  We've given welfare programs galore, affirmative action, preferential hiring, disparate impact justice, and on and on.  There's nothing left to give and yet the riots continue and the cries for more of what hasn't worked continues.  Since there's nothing left  to give and the productive class is now frustrated and mad, look for serious backlash across the board.  Police shunning deBlasio is the beginning of this backlash.  Without police there is no law and order, without law and order there is no civil life.  These are dangerous times that will provoke major changes of attitudes, maybe even behavior.  An example of the coming backlash is here: Backlash! and here!

QUITE INTERESTING STUDY OF NYTIMES:Socialist editorial content owned by filthy rich capitalists.  The Times is in trouble in no small way because its editorial content has remained left-liberal while Conservatism has been on the rise, at least sporadically since Ronald Reagan in 1982.

THIS IS 1984:They (socialists) change the meaning of words to advance their agenda.. Been doing it since Marx and Engels first offered up their poisonous claptrap theories.

THE TWO THUGS FROM TURKEY:These guys are definitely worrisome. And a follow up by the same reporter

FINALLY FROM GATESTONE:A bad actor practicing taqqia

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Sunday, December 14, 2014

LIBERAL NONSENSE:Would not pay for this class were I buying an education: Leftist shibboleths are: white privilege and supremacy, income inequality, the unfairness and oppressiveness of capitalism, for starters.  These ideas are all promoted and perpetuated by professors who are mostly white. Let's start by stipulating there's a little bit to all of these "complaints".  However, not very much.  For example, what's meant by "white privilege"?  Are whites supposed to feel guilty because they are born white?

ANTI-SEMETICISM IN TURKEY:Deep-seated stuff despite Ataturk's reforms to westernize and liberalize the country.

SIDE OF THE STORY NEVER SEEN IN THE WEST:The Walter Durantys of the western media don't wan to tell this side of the story, so we mostly stay in the dark captive of Hamas and MSM propaganda.

NOT ENOUGH PEOPLE KNOW THIS WELL-DOCUMENTED STORY:Besides her hypocrisy this woman is vile, power mad, and probably mad.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Monday, December 8, 2014

DEMS IN TROUBLE ALWAYS SCREAM:They're wrecking all the large cities in the country, but they're failing in the South.

FULL SKINNY ON FERGUSON FIASCO:The racists have been caught red-handed.

NOT HELPING THE CAUSE:Obama seemingly "consults" only blacks on matters of importance. Racial discord has been actively promoted by many blacks and black "consultants" to the POTUS since his election.  It is doubtful any black president can be other than a racists once in office.  There are so many interests pulling him in this direction.

CASSANDRA? MAYBE NOT; A HISTORIAN'S PERSPECTIVE:VDH is a pretty level headed historian, not captive of the liberal mindset most historians are.

HOW MANY OF THESE MEATBALLS ARE OUT THERE:Answer: probably a lot more than we care to acknowledge. This is a disease.

THE DEMOCRATS ARE AT IT AGAIN:They want to get us all killED.

GOOD LUCK TO THE NEXT GENERATION:Their awakening will be rude indeed.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Friday, December 5, 2014

UNDERSTANDING FRACTIONAL FREE RESERVE BANKING IS NOT SIMPLE:Fractioan reserve free banking is the cause of many of our problems. But what's the solution?

TO BE A DEMOCRAT MEANS TO BE EXTREMELY STUPID:And venal and abject liars, for starters. Obama has finished the job of destroying the racist party of disgruntled malcontents, leeches, and above all, socialists.

THE TIPPING POINT REGARDING RACE:Regrettably this may be what you get with a black president.

A FAILED AND DANGEROUS RELIGION IN MODERN TIMES:No getting around it: Islam is intolerant and murderous.

PETRAEUS MAY BE SEVERELY COMPROMISED OVER BENGHAZI:Something's rotten in the state of Denmark. We may be getting at the bottom of this charade,  Petraeus was being "investigated" by FBI over mishandling classified information by providing it to his mistress.  He was head of CIA at the time.  The investigation was ongoing before his testimony before the House Committee and conformed to the State Department and WH version of events. to wit: the video caused the Benghazi eruption.  Petreaus also praised HRC in her biography for leadership qualities.  Sounds suspiciously like Petraeus was going along with HRC's State Department and WH scenario under duress from DOJ threat of investigation  What a disappointment.

THIS IS THE WAY IT'S GOING TO BE:Having lived in Gotham under previous liberal leadership this would be a good time to leave NYC.

THIS IS ABOUT RIGHT:There is a sickness in the land.


Carr: In a lather over Obama’s ‘equality’ blather

Better late than never. Barack Obama, perhaps the most pampered human being in American history, is suddenly obsessed with how some protected classes in this country are handed unfair privileges over more deserving groups.
“When anybody in this country is not being treated equally under the law, that’s a problem,” Obama said Wednesday after the Eric Garner grand jury decision. “And it’s my job as president to help solve it.”
Not being treated equally under the law? Do you mean racial-preference programs like affirmative action, Mr. President? Will you be filing an amicus curiae brief against your alma mater, Harvard University, which is being sued for admitting members of some racial groups with inferior qualifications over more deserving candidates who do not belong to racially protected classes?
Didn’t Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. dream of a day when the color of a man’s skin would count for less than the character of his soul?
Yet a humble immigrant like Dinesh D’Souza is packed off to a halfway house for 8 months for illegally giving $20,000 to a politician friend, while the Rev. Al Sharpton blows off $4.5 million in unpaid taxes and has a permanent red carpet rolled out for him at the White House.
Can somebody say “not being treated equally under the law”?
Over the past few days, this unequal application of justice in AmeriKKKan society has become a recurring theme with the president. On Nov. 24, after the Ferguson grand jury decision, Obama said, “There are issues in which the law too often feels as if it is being applied in discriminatory fashion.”
You ain’t kiddin’, Barry. Consider how in Massachusetts, we have waiting lists for public housing. Yet if someone without a Social Security number (an illegal alien, in other words) appears, claiming he’s “homeless” and has children, that illegal goes to the top of the waiting list, ahead of every American citizen, including veterans who fought for their country.
On Dec. 1, at yet another Ferguson roundtable, Obama said, “It violates my belief in what America can be, to hear young people, feeling marginalized and distrustful, even after they’ve done everything right.”
You know, like serving in the military. Yet when veterans move to Massachusetts, they have to live here a year before being considered “in-state.” There are no such waiting periods for illegal aliens, and of course, since most of the illegals don’t work (or at least don’t report income), they go to state schools for free.
There’s a new Gallup poll out there about the effects of Obamacare. Because of the billion-dollar transfers from the working to the non-working classes, people making between $30,000 and $75,000 are going to the doctor less.
But people collecting less than $30,000 are going to the doctor more.
As Randy Newman once sang, Mr. President, have pity on the working man. We ask for no special privileges. We just want to be treated like Obama voters.