Sunday, August 11, 2013

Significance of Trayvon Martin-George Zimmerman case

it could very well be that the Martin-Zimmerman case and trial marks a watershed moment in race relations in this country.  There's much evidence now, including that offered in this post, that this entire case was essentially planned and executed by the BGI (Black Grievance Industry) in order to enflame racists sentiments among blacks in this country to serve its financial interests.  While this may sound cynical, the evidence presented at trial and in the post trial reporting, reveals all manner of suppression of evidence, biased reporting in the major liberal media outlets, as well as manipulation of public attitudes on race relations by this very same media and the usual race hustlers Jackson, Al Sharpton and others.  Even Obama and Holder played their cynical roles as well.  This is all very sad and perhaps even unnecessary however in the end the entire plot will backfire on the racists by revealing their motives and modus operandi to a heretofore sympathetic, or at least passive, general public.  Once and for all the pathology in the black community that has destroyed the family unit (70% of blacks now born out of wedlock) and created a rootless crime infested society of young black males, is put on public display for all to see and judge.  It seems unlikely that the liberal media can continue to paper over the reality of what has happened to the black race over the last 50 years. Ironically and tragically, while we have a federal government headed by a black president, and staffed by blacks in influential posts, race relations have reached a nadir in the country.  Where this all leads is hard to say, however the problems and issues surrounding race are front and center at this point in time.

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